Organic facies prediction (OF-Mod)
OF-Mod simulates the deposition and preservation of organic carbon on a basin scale. It can be applied to both modern and ancient siliciclastic marine environments.
OF-Mod simulates the deposition and preservation of organic carbon on a basin scale. It can be applied to both modern and ancient siliciclastic marine environments.
The SEMI Palaeo-Water Depth (PWD) module provides high resolution 3D palaeo-bathymetries for sedimentary basins. The method is based on present day stratigraphic depth maps as the main criterion for the PWD reconstruction. During the work-flow...
The fluid pressure distribution in a carrier or reservoir rock can influence the secondary migration of petroleum in a sedimentary basin. Good estimates of present fluid pressure in yet undrilled prospects are highly relevant for planning safe well...
The amount and composition of the petroleum expelled from a source rock typically differ greatly from those of the petroleum generated within this rock. For example, coal may generate oil but expel only gas.
SEMI (SEcondary MIgration) is SINTEF's basin modelling toolbox, focusing on migration and entrapment of hydrocarbons in sedimentary basins on geological time scales.
TIGER is a fully featured 3D finite-difference modeling program. Through efficient parallelization, it can provide synthetic 3D data sets to optimize survey layouts, aid interpretation, test new processing techniques – all within days on industrial...