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Scientific incubator

The prioritized research area "Mathematics in Technology" aims to equip SINTEF with the necessary mathematical expertise and competence to develop cutting-edge technologies for the future.

This requires a long-term perspective on enabling technologies as well as proactive measures in several areas:

  • Technology watch: closely monitor the frontiers of research in mathematics and computational science to identify emerging trends that should be acted upon. For instance, the research areas "Artificial intelligence" and "Digital twins and mixed reality" are among the latest focus points.
  • Talent development: attract and recruit talented researchers and support their professional growth to become the future leaders of research. Currently, this is organized under the "Delta program" and our summer student program.
  • Scientific incubator: promote scientific innovation within existing fields, initiate new activities in areas lacking expertise, and support grassroot activities. Our strategic initiative into quantum computing is an example of an activity that results from our focus on all these three key areas.

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