Work packages
WP8 Project management and dissemination

Description: The project coordinator will be responsible of the day-to-day management of the project, the provision of mid-term and final reports, and project outcome summaries for publication on the BlueBio website. They will chair a management group that will have one representative from each partner, to ensure (i) cooperation between partners and between work packages, (ii) milestones and deliverables are achieved on time, (iii) the quality of all project outputs, (iv) data management, and (v) risk assessment. Dissemination activities will include a website and social media to provide public information about the project (goals, status, major deliverables) and open access of results and data to stakeholders; attendance at scientific conferences, industry fairs, workshops and ICES working groups; articles in trade press and magazines. Scientific results will be published in peer reviewed journals.
This work package is led by DTU Aqua.