What is the relationship between the ARV project and community engagement?
Enhancing community engagement, environment and well-being is one of the nine thematic focus areas of the ARV project, which is a H2020 Green Deal project aiming at creating CIimate Positive Circular Communities (CPCCs) in Europe and increasing renovation rate in the continent.
This thematic focus area works towards promoting active citizen engagement in processes of sustainable neighbourhood transformation.
It is imperative to channel citizens' competences and experiences in the planning and development of sustainable neighbourhoods. Active citizen engagement and feedback is often the weakest link towards sustainable neighbourhood transformation.
Why is a Living Lab approach to community engagement important?
A Living Lab approach to community engagement puts people in focus, foregrounding their specific needs, interaction, and wellbeing. Living Lab (LL) approaches are known for engaging with multi-stakeholder groups in real-life contexts.
Six locations around Europe will be set up as Climate Positive Circular Communities (CPCC) Living Labs, driven by different types of actors, addressing different target groups, and creating different deep energy renovation solutions relevant for different types of buildings (with special attention given to social housing and public buildings).
These six communities are located in Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Italy, the Czech Republic and Spain.

What is the role of SINTEF Community as work package leader?
SINTEF Community is the work package leader on Community engagement, environment and well-being, focusing on the following:
- Develop overall methodology for establishing the CPCC Living Labs in the six locations where stakeholders can connect, seek new ideas and develop solutions
- Coordinate the implementation and reporting for all six Living Labs with local actors
- Evaluate how the citizen engagement methods and tools are used and associated with the different contexts and target groups.
CPCC Living Labs are envisioned to be real-world multi-stakeholder innovation environments and will become important nodes of a vibrant innovation-oriented ecosystem where solutions are designed and tested alongside and with citizens in different perspectives (such as building owners, architects, engineers, building occupants, neighbourhood residents).
SINTEF will work with the consortium partners to develop CPCC Living Labs into the go-to place for firms, industry, associations, public entities, research institutions, solutions providers and students to connect and seek new ideas as well as develop novel social and technical solutions related to sustainable transformation of urban communities.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Oslobygg KF
SINTEF Community
The Netherlands
Bos Installatiewerken B.V.
Buro De Haan
Municipality Utrecht (Gemeente Utrecht)
Mex Architects B.V.
RC Panels B.V.
Stichting Bo-Ex 91
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU)
Utrecht University (UU)
Palma City Council (Ayuntament De Palma De Mallorca)
Balearic Social Housing Institute (Instituto Balear De La Vivienda – IBAVI)
Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC)
The Czech Republic
Czech Technical University – CVUT
City of Karvina
Nano Power
Danfoss A/S
Technical University of Denmark - DTU
Center Denmark
SAB (Sonderborg Andelsboligforening)
HABITECH Energy and Environment District (DTTN - Distretto Tecnologico Trentino)
Dolomiti Energia
Eurac Research
Politecnico Di Torino
Università di Trento
Architects’ Council of Europe
Housing Europe
Green Digital Finance Alliance (Swiss based)
Read more on the ARV home page