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Sustainable Societies

The societal challenges linked to climate change, scarcity of resources and loss of biological diversity are very complex.

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At SINTEF we conduct analyses of the profound socio-technical change processes required to address these challenges. Much of this work is focused on climate change and energy transition, but strategies and tools to enable circular economy and blue-green growth are also central. In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals many of our projects take a holistic perspective. While facilitating green innovation, we also support established industries and study workers' rights and livelihoods in transition.

Sustainability transition requires new knowledge about how social, geographic and market-related factors interact with enabling technologies. SINTEF works with both private sector and public decision-makers to develop strategies and collaborative models for sustainable innovation and transition.

Sustainability must be seen in a global, national and local perspective. At SINTEF we are keen to understand the influencing factors and scope for transition in different sectors  and regional contexts. We also assist and develop new knowledge together with clusters and individual companies seeking to develop more sustainable products and practices. Combining sustainability transition studies with technology management and enterprise development is crucial to maximise the societal impact of our work.

Latest news

Europe's leap towards Industry 5.0

Europe's leap towards Industry 5.0

European industry is pivotal to current economic and societal shifts. To sustain prosperity, industrial ecosystems must innovate and adapt their products and services.


Global Impact - Gemini Center

Global Impact - Gemini Center


In the Gemini Center 'Equitable Partnerships for Global Impact', SINTEF and NTNU have joined together to better address the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda’s imperative of “Leaving no one behind”.




A transdisciplinary project addressing the deep energy renovation of heritage buildings.




Framework for smart condition reassessment of Reclaimed Timber to eXtend the service life of long-lived wood products using non-destructive testing and automated data postprocessing
