GAFT - Gasification and FT-Synthesis of Lignocellulosic Feedstocks
Value-chain analysis
In GAFT, a novel strategy for production of liquid biofuels based on decentralized production of Fischer-Tropsch biocrude via co-processing woody biomass and wet organic waste in an entrained flow gasification with further upgrading to biodiesel and jet fuels in conventional refineries will be evaluated. This strategy aims at further improving the economics of biofuels production by reducing the cost of feedstock supply with better utilization of residual heat from the overall conversion process as well as by reducing capital investment by utilizing existing petrochemical infrastructure. It also adds a higher-degree of flexibility in the biocrude plant operation based on variations of the feedstock availability and prices. Sludge residues from anaerobic digestion are an abundant, continuously available and renewable feedstock. Based on official statistical data, the availability of sludge from urban waste water plants, food processing industry and biogas production in Norway is approximately 4.8 millions tons per year, respectively, which represent approximately 5.8 TWh. At present, depending on the composition, sludge residues are spread on soils for agricultural purposes with zero cost at production site or diverted to incineration also subjet to gate fees. On the other hand, wet organic waste has significantly higher ash content than wood, ranging between 10-35 % wt. on dry basis. Therefore, co-processing organic waste with wood can potentially improve slagging in the EFG reactor.
The analysis includes both a detailed techno-economic analysis of the technological route proposed combined with the evaluation of the economic viability and environmental performance of the overall value chain under relevant Norwegian conditions. The techno-economic analysis is to performed a parametric analysis of the technologies are based on parametric models combining the process performance and costing under variable plant scales. The parameters considered in the analysis include process design and operation, dimensioning and costing of the main equipment. The analysis of the value chain is then performed using an overall probabilistic mathematical model that includes the techno-economic performance of the technologies, risks and mitigations and policy frameworks and incentives.