GAFT - Gasification and FT-Synthesis of Lignocellulosic Feedstocks

The overall objective of this project is to contribute to accelerated implementation of liquid biofuels production in Norway.
- Support implementation of pre-treatment methods, with particular attention to feedstock mixing and torrefaction that allow the use of challenging biomass in entrained flow (EF) gasification
- EF gasification technology improvement through lab experiments and modelling
- Fischer-Tropsch synthesis development for medium scale (150 – 500 MW thermal input)
- Techno-economic assessment of the overall biofuels production process with integration of heat recovery for relevant Norwegian business cases (Follum and Tofte sites)
- Education of highly skilled candidates within this area and training of industry partners
How are we going to reach our objective in GAFT?
By identifying an implementation suitable for the Norwegian conditions:
- By utilizing local biomass resources
- By choosing an appropriate plant capacity (150 – 500 MW)
- By making use of excess heat and other products in existing installations
The concept innovation lies in reducing the production costs by having:
- A decentralized biocrude production
- A centralized (existing refinery) biocrude upgrading to transportation biofuels
- Heat recovery and utilization for district heating and industrial steam