SFI Exposed
The EXPOSED aquaculture operations Centre will take advantage of Norway’s strong position in the aquaculture, maritime and offshore sectors to enable safe and sustainable seafood production in exposed coastal and ocean areas.
The EXPOSED aquaculture operations Centre will take advantage of Norway’s strong position in the aquaculture, maritime and offshore sectors to enable safe and sustainable seafood production in exposed coastal and ocean areas.
Smart Maritime aims to find out how we can improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions from the maritime sector.
SINMOD is a numerical ocean model system which has been under continuous development at SINTEF for over 25 years. The model system connects and simulates physical and biological processes in the ocean. The system is established for both the northern...
SINTEF Ocean and NTNU have more than 40 years experience on research of VIV and VIM, our strong expertise on model testing and numerical simulation provide state-of-the-art solutions for the industry.
Norway has the opportunity to develop macroalgae cultivation to a new, large industry.
GEMINI Centre Maritime Communication is a joint initiative between SINTEF Ocean and NTNU (Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (IET), Department of Engineering Cybernetics (ITK), Department of Marine Technology (IMT).
The GEMINI steering committee has nominated the Maritime Logistics research community within SINTEF and NTNU as GEMINI-center for 2012-2015.