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TIK is an interdisciplinary center for research and higher education at the University of Oslo. Its field is the interaction between science, technology and societal change. Research and education is oriented towards the economical, political and cultural conditions and implications of changes and developments in science and technology. Fields of study are democratical development, modernity and identity, risk and environment, organisation and management, economical growth and innovation, globalisation and regionalisation. The activity spans from economical and organisational perspectives on the relation between technology and innovation to historical and cultural perspectives on politics, ethics and public opinion. TIK's disciplinary base is broad combining staff from the humanities, social sciences and economics. The integrating theme of all studies is the powerful technological development, which characterises modern cultures.

The center is at the current time employing 7 researchers form a variety of scientific backgrounds (Economics, History, History of Ideas, Human Geography, Social Anthropology, and Sociology). In addition the center employs 13 Doctoral students.

TIK will have two researchers and one PhD student working in the project


Ingunn MoserTIK, Center for technology, innovation and culture, UiO
Phone: +47 22067515

Publisert 16. november 2007