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Efficiency through user involvement

Akademiske publikasjoner

Jenssen, S. "Time, method and good intentions: Reflexive futures between paradigm and practice", antatt i Futures, the journal of policy, planning and futures studies.

Følstad, A. "Improving User-centredness of e-Government Projects". Internasjonal konferanse: WEBIST 2008. Funchal - Madeira, Portugal, 4-7. mai, 2008 (akseptert)

Følstad, A., Brandtzæg, P.B., Heim, J., (2008). "The Impact of End-user Characteristics on End-users’ Experience of e-Government Services for the General Public" Proceedings of the IADIS international conference e-Society 2008, Algarve, Portugal, 9-12. april, 2008

Følstad, A., Krogstie, J., Risan, L., Moser, I. (2008) ‘User Involvement in E-Government development projects’. In A-V. Anttiroiko (Ed.) Electronic Government: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, pp. 734-750, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. (Opptrykk av tidligere utgitt bokkapittel)

Krogstie, J. Integrated Goal, Data and Process modeling: From TEMPORA to Model-Generated Work-Places, in Information Systems Engineering, edited by Johannesson and Soderstrøm, IGI Publishing 2008.

Krogstie, J.,  Følstad, A., Trends in ICT for the Public Sector in Norway. The 5th Scandinavian Workshop on e-Government, Copenhagen, Denmark, February 4-5, 2008.

Jenssen, S. "The demand for dialogue: studying the influence of organisers in public foresight", International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, Vol.3, No.4, 2007 pp.403-419 (in print)

Gulliksen, Viktoria; Hegle, Marit; Krogstie, John. Innføring av elektronisk handel i offentlig sektor: Erfaringer fra Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune. I: Proceedings NOKOBIT 2007. Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2007. ISBN 978-82-519-2261-6. s. 237-250.

Følstad, A., Bark, I., Gulliksen, J. "How HCI-professionals want to evaluate their own practice". Internasjonal konferanse: NordiCHI 2006. Oslo, 14-18 oktober, 2006

Følstad, A., Brandtzæg, P. B., ”When local usability is not the issue: an Example Case of e-Government Service Provision”. Workshop 9: User involvement and representation in e-Government projects. Ved NordiCHI 2006. Oslo, 15. oktober, 2006

Følstad, A., Artman, H., Krogstie, J. (Eds.) ’User involvement and representation in e-Government projects’, Proceedings from Workshop 9, NordiCHI 2006, Oslo, 15. oktober, 2006

Følstad, A., Krogstie, J., Risan, L., Moser, I. (2006) “User involvement in e-Government development projects”. In al-Hakim, L. (ed.) Global e-Government: Theory, applications and benchmarking. London, UK: Idea Group Publishing.

Moser, I., & Law, J. (2006). Fluids or flows? Information and Qualculation in Medical Practice. Information Technology and People, 19 (1), pp.55-73.

Moser, I. (2005). Does information flow? Managing information flow and fluidity in medical practice. International Journal of Action Research, 1(3), pp. 339-372.

Følstad, A., Krogstie, J., Oppermann, R., Svanæs, D. (Eds.) ’User involvement in e-Government development projects’, Proceedings from Workshop 1, Interact 2005, Rome, Italy, September 12, 2005

Følstad, A. ’Why do we involve users? The role of the HCI practitioner in e-Government development projects’, Workshop on user involvement in e-Government development projects, Interact 2005, Rome, Italy, September 12, 2005

Risan, L. ’Stepping carefully between powerful users: An incremental approach to system development in political mine fields’, Workshop on user involvement in e-Government development projects, Interact 2005, Rome, Italy, September 12, 2005

Skjetne, J.H. ’Prototypes and tender documentation: Overcoming the gap from specification to design’, Workshop on user involvement in e-Government development projects, Interact 2005, Rome, Italy, September 12, 2005

Bark, I., Følstad, A., Gulliksen, J. ”Use and Usefulness of HCI methods. Results From an Exploratory Survey Among Nordic HCI practitioners”, Internasjonal konferanse - HCI 2005. Edinburgh, UK, 5-9 september, 2005

Moser, I. “Does information flow? The introduction of electronic records in medical care in hospital”, Internasjonal konferanse ITEMS, Coimbra, Portugal, 15-17 desember, 2004.

Følstad, A., Jørgensen, H. D., Krogstie, J. "User Involvement in e-Government Development Projects". Internasjonal konferanse - NordiCHI 2004. Tampere, Finland, 23-27 oktober, 2004

Publisert 13. desember 2007