"The REFHYNE project partners are honoured to receive this outreach award, as a recognition for our dissemination activities. Spearheading the roll-out of large electrolysers, we believe it is important to share our experiences and learnings to the accelerate the further scale up of clean hydrogen production" says Anders Ødegård, coordinator of the Refhyne project and senior project manager in SINTEF.
Celebrates public engagement in scientific progress
The FCH JU Best Outreach Award celebrates public engagement of the projects they support and aims to encourage researchers to communicate better about their activity and the scientific progress achieved. FCH JU values creativity, but also thoroughly planned communication strategies.
The winner of the Best Outreach Award is chosen by the FCH JU Programme Office.
"On behalf of the entire REFHYNE consortium, I want to thank the FCH JU for the support for our 10 MW PEM electrolyser project and for this distinguished outreach award" says Anders Ødegård.
On November 29, 2021, the REFHYNE project was awarded for best outreach during EU Hydrogen Week in a live broadcast from Brussels. Photo: Screenshot from live broadcast.