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Total Airport Management (PJ04-W2 TAM)

A new software developed by SINTEF makes it more efficient to plan daily airport operations, reducing delays, aircraft idling and recovery time.

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SESAR’s Total Airport Management (TAM) approach provides a solution for more efficient resource utilization and a holistic airport management system for airside and landside processes. In this approach, the main stakeholders at an airport collaboratively develop a plan for operations using system tools that include expertise from different areas of the airport.

In the SESAR 2020 project Total Airport Management (PJ04-W2 TAM), SINTEF has developed a Case Management Function which allows cases to be created, activated, stored, and compared. Each individual case holds a high-level case description, the decisions made by the stakeholders to best meet the case description, and a set of performance indicators used to compare the alternatives before implementing the best one.

This concept was validated in a simulation exercise in 2022 with experts from Oslo Airport, including the Airport Operations Centre (APOC) supervisor, ground handlers, stand/gate planners, air navigation service providers (ANSP), and representatives from two airlines. In this validation exercise the stakeholders were confronted with a forecasted winter weather situation typical for the airport, where de-icing and runway cleaning is required.

The results obtained from the exercise are very promising, with a significant decrease in delays, engine-on waiting times, and recovery time.

Here you learn more about this SESAR project:


Key Factors

Project duration

2019 - 2023


This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 874472. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the SESAR JU members other than the Union.