NOWIcob (Norwegian offshore wind power life cycle cost and benefit)
NOWIcob publications
Some of the results related to the development and application of the NOWIcob model are described in the references listed below. See the main page for the NOWIcob for more information about the model.
- Sperstad I.B.; Kolstad, M.; Hofmann, M. (2017): Technical documentation of version 3.3 of the NOWIcob tool. Report no. TR A7374, v. 4.0; SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim.
- Sperstad I.B.; Kolstad, M.; Hofmann, M. (2017): User guide for version 3.3 of the NOWIcob tool. Report no. TR A7372, v. 4.0; SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim.
- Myklebust, H.O.V.; Eidsvik, J.; Sperstad, I.B; Bhattacharjya, D. (2020). Value of Information Analysis for Complex Simulator Models: Application to Wind Farm Maintenance. Decision Analysis, vol. 17, pp. 134-153.
- Judge, F.; McAuliffe, F.D.; Sperstad, I.B.; Chester, R.; Flannery, B.; Lynch, K.; Murphy, J. (2019): A lifecycle financial analysis model for offshore wind farms. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 103, pp. 370-383.
- Myklebust, H.O.V. (2018): Estimating the Value of Information Using Bayesian Optimization with Gaussian Process Surrogate Models - An Application to Failure Rates at Offshore Wind Farms. Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
- Welte, T. M.; Sperstad, I. B.; Halvorsen-Weare, E. Espeland; Netland, Ø.; Nonås, L. M.; Stålhane, M. (2018): "Operation and maintenance modelling," in Offshore Wind Energy Technology, O. Anaya-Lara, J. O. Tande, K. Uhlen, and K. Merz, Eds., ed Chichester: Wiley.
- Nielsen, J. S.; Sørensen, J. D.; Sperstad, I. B.; Welte, T. M. (2018). A Bayesian network based approach for integration of condition-based maintenance in strategic offshore wind farm O&M simulation models. Presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE), Ghent, Belgium.
- McAuliffe, F. D.; Lynch, K.; Sperstad, I. B.; Nonås, L. M.; Halvorsen-Weare, E. E.; Jones, D.; Akbari, N.; Wall, G.; Irawan, C.; Norstad, I.; Stålhane, M; Murphy, J. (2018): The LEANWIND suite of logistics optimisation and full lifecycle simulation models for offshore wind farms. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1104, p. 012002.
- Sperstad, I.B.; Stålhane, M.; Dinwoodie, I.; Endrerud, O.-E.V.; Martin, R.; Warner, E. (2017): Testing the robustness of optimal access vessel fleet selection for operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms. Ocean Engineering, vol. 145, pp. 334–343.
- Welte, T.M.; Sperstad, I.B.; Sørum, E.H.; Kolstad, M.L. (2017): Integration of Degradation Processes in a Strategic Offshore Wind Farm O&M Simulation Model. Energies, 10, 925.
- Sperstad, I.B.; McAuliffe, F.D.; Kolstad, M.; Sjømark, S. (2016): Investigating key decision problems to optimise the operation and maintenance strategy of offshore wind farms. Energy Procedia, vol. 94, pp. 261–268.
- Smart, G.; Smith, A.; Warner, E.; Sperstad, I.B.; Prinsen, B.; Lacal-Arántegui, R. (2016): IEA Wind Task 26 – Offshore Wind Farm Baseline Documentation. IEA WindFarm.
- Gallala, M.R. (2016): Surrogate-based optimisation using artificial neural networks – Identifying profitable O&M strategies for offshore wind farms through stochastic simulations. Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
- Dinwoodie, I.; Endrerud, O.-E.V.; Hofmann, M.; Martin, R.; Sperstad, I.B. (2015): Reference Cases for Verification of Operation and Maintenance Simulation Models for Offshore Wind Farms. Wind Engineering, vol. 39, pp. 1-14.
- Sperstad, I.B.; Halvorsen-Weare, E.E.; Hofmann, M.; Nonås, L.M.; Stålhane, M.; Wu, M. (2014): A Comparison of Single- and Multi-parameter Wave Criteria for Accessing Wind Turbines in Strategic Maintenance and Logistics Models for Offshore Wind Farms. Energy Procedia, vol. 53, pp. 221-230.
- Hofmann, M.; Sperstad, I.B. (2014): Will 10 MW wind turbines bring down the operation and maintenance cost of offshore wind farms? Energy Procedia, vol. 53, pp. 231-238.
- Netland, Ø.; Sperstad, I.B.; Hofmann, M.; Skavhaug, A. (2014): Cost-benefit evaluation of remote inspection of offshore wind farms by simulating the operation and maintenance phase. Energy Procedia, vol. 53, pp. 239-247.
- Hofmann, M.; Sperstad, I.B. (2013): NOWIcob – A tool for reducing the maintenance costs of offshore wind farms. Energy Procedia, vol. 35, 2013, pp. 177–186.
- Hagen, B.; Simonsen, I.; Hofmann, M.; Muskulus, M. (2013): A multivariate Markov weather model for O&M simulation of offshore wind parks. Energy Procedia, vol. 35, pp. 137-147.
- Hagen, B.A.L. (2013): Sensitivity Analysis of O&M Costs for Offshore Wind Farms. Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.