GasBio - Gasification for Biofuels
This section will contain information about material published by GasBio.
GasBio booklet (pdf)
- Newsletter 2-2013
- Newsletter 1-2013
- Newsletter 2-2012
- Newsletter 1-2012
- Newsletter 2-2011
- Newsletter 1-2011
Journal papers:
X. Ku, T. Li, T. Løvås.
Influence of drag force correlations on periodic fluidization behavior in Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of a bubbling fluidized bed.
Chemical Engineering Science 2013.
B. Matas Güell, J. Sandquist, L. Sørum (2013).
Gasification of Biomass to Second Generation Biofuels: A Review
Journal of Energy Resources Technology
J. Sandqusit, B. Matas Güell (2012).
Overview of Biofuels for Aviation
Chemical Engineering Transactions
T. Li, L. Zhao, X. Ku, H. Andersson, T. Løvås.
Numerical investigation on turbulent dispersion of particles in channel flow
Thermal Science 2012.
X. Ku, T. Li, T. Løvås.
Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Assessment of drag force correlations.
Thermal Science 2012
Conference papers:
X. Ku, T. Li, T. Løvås.
Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Wood Gasification in a High-Temperature
6th European Combustion Meeting, Lund, 26-28 June 2013.
R.S. Kempegowda, K.Quang Tran, Q.V. Bach, Ø. Skreiberg, M.Bugge.
Influence of wet and dry torrefaction process on biomass to liquid fuel production through Fischer-Tropsch under Norwegian conditions.
The 5th International Conference on Applied Energy, 1-4 July 2013, Pretoria, South Africa (ICAE2013)
R. Kempegowda, D. Berstad, M. Bugge, B. Matas Guell, T.Khanh-Quang.
System analysis of second generation biofuel production from high temperature gasification under Norwegian conditions.
1st International Conference on Bioenergy, Environment and Sustainable Technologies, Tamilnadu, India. 27-30 January 2013
X. Ku, T. Li, T. Løvås.
Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Wood Gasification in a High-Temperature
6th European Combustion Meeting, Lund, 26-28 June 2013
T. Li, L. Zhao, X. Ku, H. Andersson, T.Løvås.
Numerical investigation on turbulent dispersion of particles in channel flow
4th International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, Suzhou, China, 27-30 October 2012
J. Sandquist, B. Matas Güell.
Biofuels in Aviation – an Overview
International Nordic Bioenergy Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, 5-9 September 2011
B. Matas Güell, J. Sandquist, L. Sørum.
Gasification of biomass to second generation biofuels: a review
ESFuelCell2011, Washington DC, 7-10 August 2011
Conference presentations:
R. Kempegowda, D. Berstad, M. Bugge, B. Matas Guell, T. Khanh-Quang, A. Rahul.
Integrated biomass gasification for production of second generation biofuels under Norwegian conditions.
International Process Integration Jubilee Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 18-20 March 2013
B. Matas Güell
Biodrivstoff status i Norge
Bioforum, Oslo, Norway, 1 February 2013
B. Matas Güell
Hydrothermal gasification of seaweed: a promising technology to biofuels production.
Seaweed to Biofuel Workshop arranged by SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture, Trondheim, Norway, 25 September 2012.
T. Li, X. Ku, T. Løvås.
CFD modelling of soot formation in high-temperature lignocellulosic biomass entrained flow gasifier.
34th International Symposium on Combustion, Warsaw, Poland. 29 July-3 August 2012
X. Ku, T. Li, T. Løvås.
Euler-Lagrangian simulation of biomass gasification in a high-temperature entrained flow reactor.
34th International Symposium on Combustion, Warsaw, Poland. 29 July-3 August 2012
B. Matas Güell
Biofuels in aviation - an overview
PRES 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 August 2012
B. Matas Güell
Biodrivstoff i Norge
Teknologisk Møteplass, Oslo, Norway, 14 June 2012
J. Sandquist
Gassifisering og samarbeidet mellom SINTEF og industrien for utvikling av 2. generasjons biodrivstoff
Bioenergidagene, Oslo, Gardermoen, Norway, 8-9 November 2010
Media contributions:
Åse Dragland
Flydrivstoff fra norske skoger
Adresseavisen, Newspaper, 23 June, 2013
Åse Dragland
Flydrivstoff fra norske skoger
Gemini, Popular Science Magasine, 23 June, 2013
Roald Ramsdal
Koker trær på 1500 grader for å lage flybiodrivstoff
Teknisk Ukeblad, Popular Science Magasine, 7 June 2013
Berta Matas Güell/ Atle Abelsen
Drivstoff fra skauen
Popular Science Magasine, Teknisk Ukeblad/ Forskningsrådet_Status 2012 Renergi-Program, 1 November 2012
Berta Matas Güell/ Atle Abelsen
Derfor ble jeg energiforsker
Energiteknikk, October 2012
Berta Matas Güell/ Børge Sved
Utlendingene redder norsk teknologiforskning
Newspaper Adresseavisen, February 2013
Berta Matas Güell/Mette Bugge/ Astrid Lundquist
Trær på tanken
Bioenergi, 1 November 2011
Berta Matas Güell
Catalans a Noruega
COM Ràdio, Desember 2010