Nils Røkke, SINTEF. Photo: Gry Karin Stimo.
The election of Nils Røkke comes in a crucial phase for the energy and climate agenda, in Europe and globally.
How can Europe keep focus to achieve the objectives of the Energy Union and the global energy and climate agenda at a challenging time for the political union and what is the role of the stakeholders involved to make it happen? These were some of the questions at the centre of today’s debate and that call for the contribution of EERA, as key knowledge community in energy and research pillar of the EU Strategic Energy Technology (SET)-Plan.
“Europe and the world are facing major climate and energy challenges and cross-border research cooperation is essential for solving them“, said Nils Røkke, who will lead EERA over the next two years.
“I want an even closer cooperation on energy research and innovation across Europe. It is important that we find the smartest, most robust and environmentally friendly solutions across Europe’s borders and beyond. EERA is instrumental to achieve this objective“, he added.
About EERA:
The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) is an alliance of European public research centres and universities, bringing together more than 175 organizations, actively working in 17 joint research programmes (Joint Programmes). The EERA Joint Programmes are aligned with the priorities for low carbon technologies defined in the EU Strategic Energy Technology (SET)-Plan.
EERA is an official stakeholder in the EU SET-Plan / https://setis.ec.europa.eu
More about the EERA high level political event:
Smart solutions imply also an active role and engagement of consumers in the energy transition. “Consumers are more in the centre of the energy system than before, and the industry must acknowledge this“, said Røkke. This aspect is crucial in the SET-Plan and the Commission Communication on Clean Energy Innovation, both at the centre of today’s debate.
Røkke sees also an important role of EERA in the context of international cooperation to increase research and innovation in clean energy. In connection with the Paris Agreement, the global initiative Mission Innovation is an opportunity to progress in this direction.
“An important contribution as leader of EERA is to ensure maximum benefit from Mission Innovation for Europe. If we succeed Europe will become a world leader in new green energy solutions“, says Røkke.
The announcement was made by Hervé Bernard, outgoing EERA Chairman, at the EERA high level political event “Cooperation in European energy research & innovation: reality and expectations”, which took place in Brussels.
Brigitte Bach, Head of the Energy Department at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), was elected EERA Vice-Chair.
Nils Røkke, , +47 95156181
Elena Guarneri, EERA Secretariat ‒ , +32 485 994036