2nd Conference on High Temperature Heat Pumps - HTHP
We invite practitioners, industry and researchers to join a one-day conference to disseminate and discuss the potentials, the technology, the energy system and the research and development trends in the field.
The conference will focus on various aspects of heat pumps focusing on high-temperature applications as well as the potential of utilizing district heating:
- Session 1 - Potential and demand of high temperature heat pumps: How can heat pumps operating at higher temperatures help to increase process efficiency and reduce climate gas emissions? Why do we need HTHP?
- Session 2 - Industrial cases and examples on successful integration of HTHP: In which production and processes are HTHP integrated and what can we learn from it?
- Session 3 - Current developments and trends for high temperature heat pumps: What kind of technologies are currently under development and can be expected to be market ready in the nearby future?
- Meet with academia and industry: Poster session from R&D projects with the focus on HTHP and its integration
The conference will mainly consist of three sessions with keynotes and further presentations with the possibility for questions. The sessions will be supplemented by poster sessions and sufficient time for networking.
All contributions will be collected and published in a book of presentations. This collection will include an extended abstract of 500 to 1500 words in addition to the actual presentation.