SEAMLESS - Simultaneous navigation and manipulation in complex dynamic scenes
Dynamic motion planning for safe human-robot collaboration.
Dynamic motion planning for safe human-robot collaboration.
A competitively-priced online spectral imager has been developed that is robust and accurate enough for industrial applications
Breaking the price barrier for applying FT-IR spectroscopy to industrial liquid processes
NEXTGENROB is a 5-year research program aiming to develop new competence and knowledge in next-generation robotics for Norwegian industry. The project is led by SINTEF ICT and is funded with support from the Research Council of Norway and from the...
In this strategic project, SINTEF develops new and innovative sensor technology for 3D imaging based on structured light.
The four year €3.5m project, called ADABTS or Automatic Detection of Abnormal Behaviour and Threats in crowded Spaces, was launched in August 2009, and is jointly funded by the European Commission and the partners involved who form an international...