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Big Data

In the future, data will be a key economic asset. The ability to manage and extract value from proprietary data will provide industry players with a competitive advantage, making these data key drivers of economic growth and job creation.

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Similarly, demands on the public sector for the more efficient and smarter delivery of services to businesses and the general public will have to be met using data that reinforce and underpin the sector's choices and decisions. This is what Big Data is all about.

SINTEF, in its role as an interdisciplinary research institute, will be able to develop systems that generate high quality data – processed, cleansed, assembled and ready for analysis and visualisation. This role is essential for most future projects in our business portfolio. In other words, in tomorrow's SINTEF, Big Data management will become a fundamental and enabling skill.


INTEND: Intent-based data operation in the computing continuum

INTEND: Intent-based data operation in the computing continuum


The INTEND project will use cutting edge AI solutions to achieve automated operation of the computing continuum based on the intents of human stakeholders, creating a toolbox that continually learns how to adapt and orchestrate cloud and edge...




An evidence-based e-system for workplaces with a vision of ‘Zero Musculoskeletal Disorders at Work'
