- Opportunities and challenges in new production systems for salmon farming in Norway—Industry perspective
- Innspill til veileder for hygienisk design og renhold for RAS-anlegg - Struktur og innhold slik en veileder kan være
- Long-term microbial community structures and dynamics in a commercial RAS during seven production batches of Atlantic salmon fry (Salmo salar)
- Microbial community dynamics in a commercial RAS for production of Atlantic salmon fry (Salmo salar) Read publication
- Overvåking av bakteriesamfunn i settefiskproduksjon. En studie av fem RAS-anlegg
- Production of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) in RAS with distinct water treatments: Effects on fish survival, growth, gill health and microbial communities in rearing water and biofilm Read publication
- Multiplex droplet digital PCR assay for detection of Flavobacterium psychrophilum and Yersinia ruckeri in Norwegian aquaculture Read publication
- Tensile strength of Nylon netting subjected to various concentrations of disinfecting chemicals
- Effect of ultrasonic cavitation on small and large organisms for water disinfection during fish transport Read publication
- OMAE2017-61519 Tensile Strength of Nylon Netting Subjected to Various Concentrations of Disinfecting Chemicals Read publication
- Gir desinfeksjon av biofilter en falsk trygghet?
- Microbial based early-warning tool for H2S occurrence in RAS- A demonstration of principle
- Stabile og modne biofiltere er viktig for god fiskevelferd i RAS
- Microbial community dynamics in water and biofilm of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)
- Bakterier i RAS, på godt og vondt
- Overvåking av bakteriesamfunn i settefiskproduksjon
- Mikrobiota som tidlig varslingssystem i RAS-anlegg
- Monitoring microbiota in land-based aquaculture systems
- Monitoring bacterial community composition and dynamics in RAS – A key element in closed aquaculture system management
- Mikrobiell vannkvalitet under oppdyrking påvirker mikrobiotaen assosiert med copepodene som er vasket og klare til å fôres ut