Contact person, projects
- Gode pasientforløp (Good Patient Pathways) (2023)
- Realising the shared electronic health record: a multi-site study of a national pilot implementation (REAL) (2021 - 2025)
- Evaluation of cancer patient pathways (2017 - 2020)
- Evaluation of the pilot project: "Screening of child and adolescent mental health at the intake in child welfare institutions – and coordination of healthcare and child welfare services" (2017)
Contact person, expertise
More publications
- The Role of Health Informatics Research: A Case of a Large-Scale Implementation in Norway
- How Do Cancer Patients Keep Track of Their Patient Journeys?
- Configuring Secretarial Workflows in the Epic EHR Suite Read publication
- Forhandling, koordinering og kvalitetssikring: Pakkeforløpskoordinatorers arbeid med pakkeforløp for kreft
- Consequences of the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Home-Healthcare Recipients in Norway: A Nursing Perspective
- Ambulant psykisk helsehjelp til barn i barneverninstitusjoner Read publication
- Barn og unges medvirkning i spesialiserte hjelpetiltak. En kvalitativ studie av PMTO, MST og FFT
- Frigjøring av sykepleierkapasitet gjennom ny ansvars-/oppgavedeling og bruk av teknologi Read publication
- Deconstructing (e)health literacy: aspects that promote and inhibit understanding of health information in breast cancer patient pathways Read publication
- Exploring wait time variations in a prostate cancer patient pathway—A qualitative study Read publication
- “Good user pathways”: Towards more coherent and user-centred pathways
- How Do Cancer Patients Keep Track of Their Patient Journeys?
- Gode pasientforløp har bidratt til mer helhetlige, trygge og koordinerte pasientforløp
- Ti år med Gode pasientforløp: hva er deltakernes erfaringer?
- Staff shortage and rising care demands... Insights from Norway
- Learning by doing - collaboration between researchers and stakeholders in developing an integrated oral health model for older people with frailty
- Organising social sector: employees and tasks - good practices from Norway
- Implementing national care coordination guideline for people with complex care needs: evidence from a pilot study
- Assembling the patient - medical secretaries' experiences from the implementation of a new electronic health record
- Team som arbeidsform – strukturert tverrfaglig oppfølging av personer som har behov for koordinerte tjenester.