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Gode pasientforløp (Good Patient Pathways)

The aim of the initiative "Gode pasientforløp" is to support municipalities and hospitals in improving transitions in patient pathways and ensuring users' needs for integrated, safe, and coordinated services.

Contact person

Ill.: Shutterstock (Natali _ Mis)

The initiative, Gode pasientforløp, addresses challenges related to collaboration, coordination, and user-centered/involvement. It builds on insight from the model Comprehensive Patient Pathways in the home (Helhetlige pasientforløp i hjemmet (HPH)) and "What matters to you?" (PSFS).

Gode pasientforløp was initiated in 2014/15 and will conclude by the end of 2023. The initiative is carried out in collaboration between the KS (Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities) and FHI (Norwegian Institute of Public Health) and is funded by the Ministry of Health and Care Services. Currently, municipalities and hospitals covering 75 percent of Norway's population have participated in Good Patient Pathways.

In this project we will conduct focus group interviews with participants in Gode pasientforløp to summarise and analyse their experiences and give directions for how to continue the work.
The following themes (the initiative's goals) will be examined in the project:

  • Users/patients should feel like equal partners in the development of their patient pathways.
  • The healthcare services for patients in municipalities and hospitals are organised into comprehensive, coordinated, and safe patient pathways.
  • Municipalities and hospitals continuously work to improve transitions in the patient pathway.
  • Promoting health and coping are central in the efforts to create good patient pathways in municipalities and hospitals.
  • Municipalities and hospitals collaborate as partners in achieving good patient pathways.

The project will contribute knowledge on both process and outcomes from Gode pasientforløp, and provide concrete examples of successful local projects within the frames of Gode pasientforløp.

Key Factors

Project duration

2023 - 2023


The Ministry of Health and Care Services

Cooperation partner

Kommunesektorens interesseorganisasjon (KS)

Project type

Public tender via Doffin

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