Contact person, projects
- AI for General Practitioners – a new approach to decision support in primary healthcare (2024 - 2025)
- Evaluation of a physician's on-site presence at the Emergency Medical Communication Centre (2024 - 2025)
- Experiences with minority stress (2022 - 2023)
- CaReScreen: A clinical decision support system for cancer rehabilitation (2022 - 2026)
- Helserom Helgeland (2021 - 2025)
More publications
- Exploring the barriers to diagnosing malnutrition in patients with cancer: A study on oncologists' perspectives Read publication
- Erfaringer med minoritetsstress
- Investigating hope in oral health promotion for adolescents: an exploratory study based on observations at the dental clinic Read publication
- Likeverdige digitale offentlige tjenester Read publication
- Kunnskapsoversikt om seksuelle overgrep mot barn og unge
- Deconstructing (e)health literacy: aspects that promote and inhibit understanding of health information in breast cancer patient pathways Read publication
- Digital ekskludering i NAV — Hvem, når, hvorfor? Read publication
- Når barnevernet overtar omsorgen – en forenklet kunnskapsoppsummering Read publication
- Meaning making for psychological adjustment and quality of life in older long-term breast cancer survivors Read publication
- Shared decision-making in standardized cancer patient pathways in Norway—Narratives of patient experiences Read publication
- Exploring the barriers to diagnosing malnutrition in cancer patients: A study on oncologists' perspectives
- En million er digitalt utenfor
- Mange tannleger sliter med å motivere unge til puss og tannstell
- Helserom Helgeland - lokal helsehjelp med avstandsoppfølging
- Helserom Helgeland – lokal helsehjelp med avstandsoppfølging
- Why Norwegian oncologists do not use diagnosis codes for malnutrition
- Her behandles pasienten på sykehuset, men er samtidig milevis unna
- Helsrom Helgeland. Lokal helsehjelp med avstandsoppfølging.
- Rekruttering for å sikre inkludering
- Ny rapport: Likeverdige digitale offentlige tjenester