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Christoph Thieme

Research Scientist

Christoph A. Thieme has education in Marine Technology (PhD and MSc from NTNU Trondheim) with a specialization in safety, reliability, and risk assessment for autonomous systems. Through his work, he has experience with risk assessment of autonomous systems with a focus on software safety and human-machine interaction. AS a co-organizer of the International Workshop for Autonomous System Safety, he has a broad knowledge of relevant topics within safety, reliability and security in autonomy.


2018 PhD in Marine Technology from NTNU Trondheim
2014 Msc in Marine Technology from NTNU Trondheim
2012 Subjects in Machine design at University of Applied Science Reutlingen
2012 BSc in Maritime Technology from University of Applied Science Bremerhaven

Competence and research areas

Cross disciplinary approach to Safety, security and reliability with a focus on assurance, user friendliness and human factors:
- Autonomous systems
- Software-based systems
- Marine and Maritime systems
- Oil and gas platforms





Contact info

Visiting address:
Strindvegen 4
7034 Trondheim