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Ane Elisabet Lothe

Research Manager

Ane is a geologist, with a PhD in structural geology. She has been employed at SINTEF for over 20 years in several positions from researcher to Research Director. At present she is working as Senior Researcher at Applied Geoscience, where she does research on overpressure and fluid flow in the underground and try to understand the effect of faults and caprocks over millions of years. In addition to 3D pressure modelling, she does research on CO2 storage (CCS).


2000-2004 Dr. Scient in Structural Geology, University in Bergen, Norway
1995-1998 Can.Scient from the UiB in Structural/Petroleum Geology
1993-1994 The University Courses on Svalbard (UNIS), lower grade in geology
1991-1994 Can. Mag from the University in Bergen

Competence and research areas

Her main field of interest is in 3D pressure modelling; on basin and field scale for drilling campaigns. She has been working with modelling of CO2 storage in the underground, and with modelling of fluid flow in weathered basement.

To be able to do simulations, she is used to work with logs, seismic (using Petrel) etc. For the simulations, the is used to work with Pressim and PressureAhead (SINTEF own codes), but also Eclipse.
She has been doing field work in Brumunddal, Spitsbergen and in Sunnfjord. She has also been on excursion in Spain, France, Italy, Utah, Cyprus and Turkey.



Contact info

Visiting address:
S P Andersens vei 15B
7031 Trondheim