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Performance of the IGCC with distributed feeding of H2 in the gas turbine burner


A main hurdle for realizing the IGCC with CO2 capture is the lack of gas turbines capable of burning hydrogen in an environmental-friendly, yet energy-efficient manner. With currently proposed combustion schemes an efficiency penalty is caused by the preparation (separation and compression) of the inert diluent, i.e. nitrogen. Distributed Fuel Injection (DFI), where hydrogen is provided to the combustion air through a H2-separating membrane or a porous wall, could be a means of avoiding both N2 dilution of the fuel and concentrated fuel point sources. The paper presents two potential schemes for DFI: Scheme 1 with upstream H2 separation and scheme 2 with integrated H2 separation from the shifted syngas. First process simulation results for an IGCC with a reheat gas turbine yielded an IGCC efficiency increase of 0.7%-points with Scheme 1and of 1.3%-points with scheme 2, compared to a reference case with nitrogen fuel dilution, mainly due to savings in N2 compression work but for scheme 2 also because the partial pressure difference of H2 over the Pd membrane can be employed as driving force. The results should however be regarded as indicative only one of the reasons being that fuel injection pressure drop for DFI is yet unknown, and is presumably a trade-off between membrane/porous wall size.


Academic lecture


  • Research Council of Norway (RCN) / 193816




  • SINTEF Energy Research / Gassteknologi
  • Unknown
  • SINTEF Industry / Sustainable Energy Technology
  • SINTEF Energy Research

Presented at

GHGT 12 - 12th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies


Austin, Texas


05.10.2014 - 09.10.2014





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