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FME II - MoZEES - Research Center on Zero Emission Energy Systems for Transport

The main objective of MoZEES, a research center for environmentally friendly energy (FME), is to contribute to the development of new materials, components, and systems for battery and hydrogen technology for existing and future applications in the transport sector (road, railway, sea).

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Norway’s first hydrogen truck. Image of ASKO’s first hydrogen truck delivered by Scania outside of ASKO’s distribution center in Trondheim.

The research center contributes to the design and development of safe, reliable, and cost-effective zero emission solutions for transportation. There is also a strong focus on the education of PhD students and Postdocs.

The research focuses on: 

  • New materials and processes for industrial niche markets for battery and hydrogen 
  • Components and technologies for export-oriented battery and hydrogen products 
  • Battery and hydrogen systems for application in existing or new transport markets (road, railway and sea), with a special focus on maritime applications 
  • New system solutions and services, with a special focus on sustainable and techno-economic paths to zero emissions in the transport sector 

Research partners are IFE (host), SINTEF, NTNU, University of Oslo (UiO), University College of Southeast Norway (HSn), Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), and Institute of Transport Economics (TØI). Formal cooperation agreements have also been established with four universities abroad: RWTH Aachen University (Germany), Uppsala University (Sweden), University of California, Davis (USA), and University of Genoa (Italy). FME MoZEES is hosted by the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) located at Kjeller. 

User partners in the MoZEES center include 26 companies from private business and industry, ranging from small materials specialists to large technology and industry corporations such as Elkem, Johnson Matthey, SAFT, ABB, Statkraft, Hydro, and NEL. Large Norwegian corporations and organisations responsible for transportation business by road, railway, and sea are also taking part in the center, including the bus company Unibuss and the goods distribution company ASKO. 

Public partners are Akershus and Trøndelag county councils, Enova, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Norwegian Railway Directorate, Port of Oslo, and Norwegian Coastal Administration. SINTEF is responsible for the research activity on hydrogen and contributes with research activities across the entire value chain, with research on batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, implementation of system solutions in new transportation solutions, and policy and techno-economic analyses. 

More information can be found on the MoZEES home page:  

Key Factors

Project duration

01/01/2017 - 31/12/2024