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This project aims to develop digital solutions that advance geological heat storage as an eco-friendly, scalable energy storage method, reducing energy demand and supporting the green energy transition.

Contact persons

Ill.: Shutterstock (Colin Temple)

Renewable energy system

Short-term or seasonal storage of heat underground is a scalable and environmentally friendly way of re-using energy and reducing electricity consumption for heating purposes.  It could play the role as a key stabilizer in a future, renewable-based energy system that will depend largely on intermittent energy sources.

Efficiency, profitability, and reduce energy loss

While geological thermal heat storage is already commercially applied today, the underground is a complex environment and there remains significant challenges in terms of improving efficiency, profitability, reducing energy losses and further scaling up storage concepts.

Develop digital twin technology for real-time monitoring

In this project, we seek to help realize the full potential of underground thermal energy storage by developing digital twin technology that allows for real-time monitoring, understanding and prediction of the subsurface, and act as an enabler for optimal design, short- and long-term operation and management of open or closed geothermal energy storage reservoirs, in the context of a larger, dynamic energy system.

Key Factors

Project duration

2024 - 2027

Cooperation partners

Ruden AS, Kvitebjørn Varme AS, Seabrokers Geoenergi AS, Asplan Viak AS, Wessel Energi AS

Project type

Knowledge building project for Industry

Project employees