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Inhibiting and Facilitating Factors for Effective Preparedness and Management of Anaphylaxis in Children and Adolescents

The project aims to shed light on the challenges children and adolescents face in managing anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction.

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Injection of adrenaline to stop a potential anaphylactic shock. Ill.: Shutterstock

With a rising global incidence of anaphylaxis, especially among younger age groups, the project seeks to understand the complex dynamics influencing preparedness and treatment of this acute condition.

Anaphylaxis poses a significant threat, particularly to children and adolescents, and the project "Inhibiting and Facilitating Factors for Effective Preparedness and Management of Anaphylaxis in Children and Adolescents" aims to contribute to a better understanding of these challenges.

The adolescent years, a time marked by increased independence and vulnerability, are crucial for individual allergy management, yet also a period where the risk of poor adherence and risk-taking behavior is high.

Qualitative methodology

The research aims to uncover how mental health issues, communication barriers, use of technology and societal pressures impact preparedness and management of anaphylaxis among the youth. Methodologically, the project will conduct qualitative focus group interviews and individual conversations to gain insights into the experiences of those at risk for anaphylaxis.

Through these qualitative methods, the research will explore the thoughts and emotions of children and adolescents at risk, focusing on identifying both inhibiting and supportive factors.

Ethics and privacy will be central considerations, with a clear focus on participant-informed consent.

User involvement

The organizational structure is ensured through leadership from SINTEF Digital, department of Health. Involvement from the Asthma and Allergy Association (Norges Astma- og Allergiforbund), as well as user participation, underscores the project's commitment to including relevant stakeholders.

With clear milestones and a distinct goal of improving knowledge about anaphylaxis preparedness among children and adolescents, this project represents a significant step towards better management of allergy with the risk of anaphylaxis.

Key Factors

Project duration

2023 - 2025

Cooperation partner

Norges Astma- og Allergiforbund

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