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VesselAI - Enabling Maritime Digitalization by extreme-scale Analytics, AI and Digital Twins

Enabling Maritime Digitalization by extreme-scale Analytics, AI and Digital Twins

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VesselAI aims at realising a holistic, beyond the state-of-the-art AI-empowered framework for decision-support models, data analytics and visualisations to build digital twins and maritime applications for a diverse set of cases with high impact, including simulating and predicting vessel behaviour and manoeuvring (including the human factor), ship energy design optimisation, autonomous shipping and fleet intelligence.

SINTEF´s role in the project

SINTEF is represented by two institutes: SINTEF Ocean and SINTEF Digital.

SINTEF Ocean contributes to the project with the development of prediction models based on AIS data, route information and weather data for the traffic related to the autonomous ASKO ferry that has started to cross the Oslofjord. The models cover both the prediction of nearby traffic and also the prediction of the best time and route for the ferry itself. In addition, SINTEF Ocean leads the tasks related to the documentation, evaluation and impact assessment of the pilot demonstrations. The pilot ( is being developed in collaboration with Kongsberg Norcontrol and Massterly AS.

SINTEF Digital provides research expertise in the following areas: data engineering, semantic technologies and data analytics. Our contributions include

  • Ontology libraries for the maritime domain enabling data harmonisation in the VesselAI platform.
  • Route and event  predictions (e.g., collisions) for the Norwegian pilot, using machine learning and graph analytics

Project website


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957237.

Key Factors

Project duration

01/01/2021 - 31/12/2023