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AURORAL focuses on increasing connectivity and delivering a digital environment of smart objects and interoperable service platforms able to trigger dynamic rural ecosystems of innovation chains, applications, and services. Thus, AURORAL contributes to increasing economic growth and creating jobs in rural areas, tackling significant societal challenges, overcoming the digital divide between rural and urban areas, and developing the potential offered by increased connectivity and digitization of rural areas.

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New digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), generate vast amounts of data which, when used correctly, can be highly valuable. To maximize its potential, this data must be shared to simplify, enhance, and create new services. Facilitating data sharing is, therefore, crucial and has become a focus area for many. The AURORAL project will demonstrate a digital environment by cost-efficient and flexible cross-domain applications through large-scale pilots in seven European regions. It builds on an open, API-based, interoperable, and federated Internet of Things (IoT) architecture and includes a reference implementation supporting flexible integration of heterogeneous services, bridging the interoperability gap of the smart object platforms, and creating markets for services in rural areas.

The main objectives are:

• Deploy transformative strategies and processes, empowering rural ecosystems to boost their potential by digitalizing resources, products, and services.

• Introduce “Semantic Interoperability as a Service” to enhance the interoperability of smart object and service platforms by facilitating data sharing and use.

• Validate reference implementations of horizontal sectors and independent digital services, by exploiting the benefits of data abundance in rural areas.

Being a platform built for interoperability services, each user owns their own data and is responsible for their own security and privacy. No one can use others' data without an explicit contract with the data owner. Hence, AURORAL is a data broker that creates new business model opportunities for new and existing companies in rural areas.

Some key features are:

• Based on existing resources (farming, energy, tourism, mobility, health)

• Focused on regional, and local cohesion (all can participate)

• Shared and circular economy

• Empower digitalization

• Opportunity to test and validate before deciding

• Attractiveness for future generations

• Easy to use and fair play

Financing: EU, H2020





Key Factors

Project duration

01/01/2021 - 31/12/2024