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OntoCommons - Ontology Commons Ecosystem Toolkit

OntoCommons is an H2020 CSA project dedicated to the standardisation of data documentation across all domains related to materials and manufacturing.

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The overall objectives of OntoCommons are to (i) establish a cooperation with all relevant stakeholders at both EU and international level and get engagement in providing input, testing, exploiting and disseminating the project results; (ii) establish a Ontology Commons EcoSystem for data documentation consisting of practical tools as well as a system of ontologies, starting from a top reference ontology, aligning a selected set of widely used top level ontologies on which a range of middle level and domain level ontologies are build; (iii) demonstrate the effectiveness of the OntoCommons approach by providing a set of demonstration cases building on the Ontology Commons EcoSystem.

The EU-funded OntoCommons project aims to lay the foundations for standardising the format of data and ensure interoperability so that it will be easier to use and distribute data in the manufacturing sector and the material science field. Fostering data innovation offers new business models that aid European industries in rising to the digitalisation and sustainability challenges. To achieve its aims, OntoCommons will coordinate a wide range of EU stakeholders for developing an ontology commons ecosystem that comprises a set of ontologies and tools following specific standardisation rules. This ontology commons ecosystem is a suitable approach to harmonised data documentation, assisting in making the data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.

Application type: CSA
Project period: 2020 - 2023
Total budget: 4,2 M€
Funding source: EU Horizon2020

Project Partners: Technische Universitaet Wien (Coordinator), Ecole Nationale D'ingenieurs de Tarbes, Goldbeck Consulting Limited, Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita di Bologna, National University of Ireland Galway, Trust-IT Services, Industry Commons Foundation (Insamlingsstiftelse), University of Oslo, Universitaet Innsbruck, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V.. SINTEF, United Kingdom Research and Innovation, E-Science Data Factory, Fundacion Tekniker, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Robert Bosch Gmbh, Innovation in Research & Engineering Solutions, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Institut Für Angewandte Systemtechnik Bremen Gmbh.

The OntoCommons project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No. 958371.

For more information about the project, see the home page

Key Factors

Project duration

2020 - 2023