DIY4U aims to develop and promote the adoption of collaborative production engineering approaches in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector; particulate and liquid FMCG like detergents, cosmetics, food, etc. DIY4U will use web-based portals to allow users to design their own products from home with a much broader range of performance attributes and then have these produced and delivered in a “designed for you” way. DIY4U will address the blockers of product customization and small-scale manufacturing by developing an Open Innovation (OI) digital B2B/B2C platform and small-scale automated manufacturing machines (Fablabs) for collaborative design and production of personalised/customized FMCG.
The project consortium comprises 6 industries and 7 research groups, representing 7 different EU countries. SINTEF is the Project Coordinator and leading two work packages; 'Project Management' and 'Open Innovation Projects & Competitions.
- Procter & Gamble Company (UK)
- Centre for Process Innovation Limited (UK)
- VTT (Finland)
- Technology Centre of Metal-mechanical and Transport (Spain)
- IRIS Technology Group (Spain)
- Digital Catapult Centre (UK)
- PICOM (France)
- CODY AS (Norway)
- RDIUP (France)
- Stelar Security Technology Law Research UG (Germany)
- Effective Decisions (Romania)
- Dynamic & Security Computations (Spain)
Total Budget: EUR 6 772 398

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 870148