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Mobile and autonomous sensor systems - MAsens

SINTEF pushes the boundaries of autonomous drones. Mobile and autonomous sensor systems constitute a priority area at SINTEF. We offer a large range of relevant technologies and competence within this field for mobile and autonomous systems in the air, on ground and under water.

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Marianne holding a drone
Photo: SINTEF / Werner Juvik

MAsens is a three year strategic project where we develop key technologies and know-how for mobile and autonomous sensor systems (MAsens) – to facilitate autonomous operations with such systems and enable efficient development and testing of new sensor solutions for drones and other unmanned vehicles. A focus in this project is on developing a generic software and hardware toolbox – the MAsens toolbox – which can be adapted to application specific industrial and societal needs. One result is that this facilitates reduced start-up costs and time for new projects since a foundation for a number of applications have already been laid.

Technologies and know-how at SINTEF Digital relevant for the project includes, e.g., sense & avoid, robot vision, autonomy, localization/navigation, path-planning and control, new sensor systems, acoustics, communication systems, micro- and nanosystems, cyber security, viewpoint sampling, and networked based systems and services.

A main focus so far in the project has been on drones, but the developed technologies are applicable to other mobile and autonomous systems also – including ground and underwater vehicles.

Examples of technologies and results from the project:

  • We are developing custom-built micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) and technology for safe operations – both for sense & avoid as well as for controlled contact between a drone and its environment:
  • Moreover, SINTEF offers a high-class industrial outdoor test facility for drones which we have employed for first testing:

A small selection of relevant projects within mobile and autonomous sensor systems that SINTEF is involved in:

Key Factors

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