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Trygge spor

People with dementia is a large diagnostic group among the users of municipal care. The disorder causes most years with severe functional impairment at the end of life, and requires huge resources from the municipal nursing and care services.

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Five municipalities collaborate with researchers to bring forward new knowledge in nursing and care services. Drammen, Bærum, Trondheim, Bjugn, and Åfjord municipalities contribute to a practical research to find answers to the following: Can GPS be used as a tool in dementia care? What effect does such a use have? How will its use affect the organisation of the services? How will the service be organised? How will we find the right users?

Several companies are involved in the work. They deliver existing products and system solutions as a basis for research, and the project contributes to the development of new and improved solutions and products.

In the first phase of the research project "Trygge spor" has approximately fifty persons with dementia used GPS over a period of a few weeks up to a year. The results show that localisation technology contributes to increased security, freedom and quality of life - both for people with dementia and their families. The project is now working on a clear ambition to implement GPS as a tool in dementia care in the municipalities.

Improved quality of life with GPS! Clear findings from the first phase of the project!

"Trygge spor I" was a public innovation program funded by the Oslofjord Fund. The project was organised through a pilot study in 2011, and a major study in 2012. Five municipalities have worked together to develop knowledge regarding the use of GPS, to help ensure that people with dementia experience a safer and more active lives.  Furthermore, we will create a greater understanding of their situation and consider what benefits employees of municipal care services mean the use of GPS provides.

The project's overall objectives are through practice-research. We have tried to clarify how a GPS solution with support systems can be developed to meet the needs of the target groups. To assess whether the technology is effective and beneficial to people with dementia, their carers and staff in the nursing and care services. The project has also studied the organisation of the service and how GPS solutions can be improved.

Key Factors

Project duration

01/03/2011 - 31/12/2015


Trygge spor



Drammen municipality, Bærum municipality, Trondheim municipality, Bjugn municipality and Åfjord municipality


Research Partners

SINTEF and Norwegian Centre for Research, Education and Service Development - Ageing and Health.