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Multi-actor analysis and co-production of knowledge

Societal challenges surrounding climate change, limited resources, energy needs, population growth and loss of biological diversity are complex and affect different stakeholders in different ways.

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At SINTEF, we work with holistic, multi-actor analysis and co-production of knowledge that gives legitimacy to project results through deep integration of the end-users from the start of the process. This allows us to assess different mitigation and adaptation pathways to meet the challenges from different angles - and with user groups such as managers, industry, general public, future generations, research and others. This way, we understand how the techonolgical solutions we develop will affect these different groups, and how to best develop them so that they have legitimacy with the users while also having a socio-economic and environmental effect in-line with the needs of society and nature. This will also ensure that the post-research impact of the innovations will have a higher chance of effective implementation, with results that mirror the original ambitions. Methods we use: In-depth interviews, questionnaires, literature studies, participatory stakeholder workshops, serious games, observational methodologies and ethnography. We have especially strong competence in facilitating participatory stakeholder workshops, where we develop semi-quantiative future scenarios based on narrative analysis and conceptual modelling, that can later be used for decision support.

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