The event will showcase cutting-edge solutions and applications designed to enhance energy efficiency and sustainability across various sectors.
The Gemini Center on TES, a collaboration between SINTEF and NTNU, is excited to organize this year's TES Workshop. The event will bring together leading researchers and stakeholders from Norway and Europe, all passionate about TES technology. We will explore a wide range of applications and opportunities for different types of TES, from low to high Technology Readiness Levels (TRL), spanning sectors such as industry, buildings, and transport. Experts from academia and industry will discuss advancements in TES technologies, covering a variety of temperatures and applications.
Sign up for free (physical attendance with lunch and dinner included, limited spots available).
Tuesday, 05 November
13:00 Coffee and registration
13:15 Welcome and introduction
- Welcome by Gemini Center TES leader, Jorge Salgado Beceiro (SINTEF Energy).
13:30 TES beyond applications
- Xinfang Wang (UoB, UK) - TES as a service business model for food supply chain decarbonisation.
- Francesco Fabris (CNR, Italy) - TES for the sustainability of transport refrigeration: challenges and future perspectives.
- Hanne Kauko (SINTEF Energy, Norway) - Operation of heat pumps and TES as dispatchable loads – scientific fiction or reality?
14:30 Coffee break
14:45 Innovative concepts and prototypes
- Galina Simonsen (SINTEF Industry, Norway) - Bridge between immersion cooling and TES.
- Dieter Preßl (ZAE Bayern, Germany) - Partially crystallizing absorption cold storage with H2O/LiBr.
- Iñigo Ramiro (UPM, Spain) - More than wasted heat: low-temperature TES for 24h solar electricity production.
- Jonas Tombrink (DLR, Germany) - Latent heat TES for power-heat-power applications: Experimental results from the CHESTER project.
16:00 Wrap-up Day 1
19:00 Dinner at Grafen
Wednesday, 6th November
08:45 Coffee and registration
09:00 TES in real operations
- Remo Waser (Cowa, Switzerland) - Commercial compact TES for heat pump load shifting.
- Seemi Lindtorp (Trondheim Eiendom, Norway) - Innovative thermal energy system at Nidarvoll school equipped with large hot-water storage tanks.
- Alexis Sevault (Cartesian, Norway) - Cartesian: Key takeaways from the deployment of four Thermal Boxes.
- Davide Tommasini (SINTEF Energy, Norway) - TES-AC project: integration of a PCM-TES unit in a supermarket refrigeration system.
10:20 Coffee break
10:40 From the system to the economics
- Jan Bengsch (SINTEF Ocean, Norway) - Sizing and optimization of a cold thermal energy storage for a dairy: A case study.
- Ge Song (NTNU, Norway) - Optimizing HVAC system flexibility using thermal tanks in complex energy networks.
- Laurent Georges (NTNU, Norway) - Regeneration of shallow borehole heat exchanger fields: case of PVT and GSHP.
- Olav Galteland (SINTEF Energy) – Hybrid thermal and electrical storage in the ZEB-lab laboratory.
12:00 Lunch at Kjelhuset
13:00 Interactive session: Collaborating for success
Open discussion: Aligning TES research and industry needs
13:45 Wrap-up, conclusions, and end – Jorge Salgado Beceiro