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SINTEF Ocean and industry actors in robotics and digital solutions welcome you to attend an exciting and interesting seminar during Aqua Nor 2023. We will present new research results and innovative technology for robotics and digitalization of aquaculture


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14:00     Doors open

14:15     Welcome  Sveinung Ohrem – Research Manager aquaculture robotics and automation, SINTEF Ocean

Part 1: Robotics

14:20     RESIFARM – Resilient robotic autonomy for underwater operations in fish farms
Marios Xanthidis, Post.doc researcher, SINTEF Ocean

14:30     Skarv Technologies – Net inspection and monitoring using autonomous robots
Trygve Olav Fossum, CEO, Skarv Technologies

14:40     Probotic – Autonomous net inspection and cleaning
Albert Sans Muntadas, CSO, Probotic

14:50     CHANGE – Aquaculture dedicated robotic solutions
Linn Danielsen Evjemo, Researcher, SINTEF Ocean

15:00     Maritime Robotics – Uncrewed maritime transportation and data acquisition
Eirik Hovstein, COO, Maritime Robotics

15:10     Njord Aqua – Remote controlled ROV operations in aquaculture
Øyvind Lernes, CEO, Njord Aqua

15:20     Pause (10 min)


Part 2: Digitalization and digital twins

15:30     Digital twins of the ocean for sustainable blue economy
Ute Brönner, Senior Project Manager, SINTEF Ocean

15:40     Digital twins for aquaculture – Risk metrics
Christopher Genillard, Aquaculture insurance pilot, Iliad

15:50     Earth observation services for sustainable fishing and aquaculture
Jean Pierre Cauzac, NextOcean

16:00     AquaGraph – Graph databases for aquaculture
Aya Saad, Researcher, SINTEF Ocean

16:10     From data chaos to improved operations with Clarify
Tore Norheim Hagtun, CEO, Clarify

16:20     Information about demonstrations
Sveinung Ohrem

Part 3: Demonstrations (16.30 – 17.30)


Next Ocean – Using satellite data in aquaculture 

HavOpera – Digital operation central

Brattørkaia (havnebassenget utenfor Clarion):

SINTEF Ocean – Autonomous ROV operations

BlueEye Robotics


SINTEF Ocean and industry actors in robotics and digital solutions welcome you to attend an exciting and interesting seminar during AquaNor 2023. New research results and innovative technology for robotics and digitalization of aquaculture will be presented.

The seminar consists of 3 parts:
Part 1 focuses on research, development and use of robotics and autonomy in aquaculture.
Part 2 presents solutions for digitalization, data management and digital twins.
Part 3 consists of demonstrations of different digital platforms and robotics solutions.

Presentations will be held in English. The seminar is free of charge, but please register here.

Light refreshments and a small bite to eat will be served.

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Brattørkaia 17a, 7010 Trondheim, Norge