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Webinar: Seven ways of greener Aluminium

Weight savings provided by the light metal aluminum will help the world reach the 2050 target of zero net emissions of greenhouse gases. The demand is increasing, however emissions from production need to be drastically reduced. In this talk, Samuel Senanu will show us seven ways to greener production of this important material.


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Presenter: Samuel Senanu, SINTEF Industri

Sju veier til grønnere aluminium

Gemini: Sju veier til grønnere aluminium

We hereby invite you to the HighEFF Webinar series, which will be held every second Wednesday 11:30 (Central European Time, Trondheim). The webinars will start with 20-30 minutes presentation of topics related to HighEFF's thematic areas, and continue with questions and discussions until 12:30 latest.

The webinars will be open to all HighEFF consortium members.

Presenter and title for each presentation will be updated in the calendar invitation prior to each webinar, and on this webpage.

We encourage you to make use of this opportunity to learn and discuss on energy efficiency related topics with colleagues across the Centre!

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