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Ragnhild Skagestad

Senior Research Scientist

I have worked with CO2 capture and CO2 transport since 2006. First in Tel-Tek, and then in SINTEF from 2017. I have been a project manager in many different projects, for instant CO2los I-III and CO2stCAP. One of my main topics is early phase cost estimation and techno-economic analysis - which provides an overview of costs early in the process. At the moment I also work with climate positive technologies such as DAC, BECCS ect.


Master in Mechanical Engineering from NTNU in 2004.

Competence and research areas

Project Management
CO2 transport
CO2 capture
cost estimation
techno-economic analysis
CDR / climate epositive technologies


Contact info

Visiting address:
Forskningsparken, Hydrovegen 67