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Ørjan Selvik

Senior Adviser

Ørjan Selvik is a Senior Adviser in department for Ship and Ocean Structures in SINTEF Ocean. Ørjan Selvik is internal project manager in SINTEF Ocean for the project Norwegian Ocean Technology Centre. Since 2008 he has been working with experimental verification of ships and ocean structures in SINTEF Ocean's Towing Tank and Ocean Basin. Competence needs and competence sharing is also a part of his work.


M.Sc. Marine Hydrodynamics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Department of Marine Technology (2008)

Competence and research areas

Ship hydrodynamics, seakeeping of ships and full-scale testing of ships, high speed crafts and lifeboats.
Special interest in competence needs and competence sharing which is addressed in work with the competence forum for demanding ship operations.


Contact info

Visiting address:
Paul Fjermstads vei 59
7052 Trondheim