Contact person, projects
Contact person, expertise
- Modellering av energisystemet på Mære. Mulige investeringer som kan øke selvforsyningsgraden av energi
- Techno-Economic Analysis of the Production of Liquid Biofuels from Sewage Sludge via Hydrothermal Liquefaction Read publication
- Bed Model for Grate-Fired Furnaces: Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling and Comparison to Experiments Read publication
- Validation of a numerical approach for simulation of the thermal decomposition behaviour of biomass in grate combustion plants Read publication
- A detailed experimental study on the thermal decomposition behaviour of wood pellets under inert and oxidative conditions in a fixed bed reactor Read publication
- Assessment of Transient NOx Reduction Potential in Wood Stoves Read publication
- An evaluation of effects of operational parameters on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations Read publication
- An evaluation of effects of fuel parameters and flue gas recirculation on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations Read publication
- CFD and Building Integration Modelling of Wood Stoves - Status and Further Needs
- Transient CFD simulations of wood stoves with varying heat storage capacity Read publication
- Modellering av energisystemer på Mære og videre potensiale
- CAPEWASTE project: Enabling carbon capture with oxy-fuel combustion technology for the Waste-to-Energy sector
- Modelling of grate fired woody biomass and waste to energy plants - Status and further needs
- GrateCFD Enabling optimum Grate fired woody biomass and waste to energy plant operation through Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Validation of a numerical approach for simulation of the thermal decomposition behaviour of biomass in grate combustion plants
- A detailed experimental study on the thermal decomposition behaviour of wood pellets under inert and oxidative conditions in a fixed bed reactor
- Transient CFD simulations of wood stoves with varying heat storage capacity
- CFD and building integration modelling of wood stoves - Status and further needs
- Assessment of NOx reduction potential in wood stoves