Contact person, projects
- Hydrogen in Glass Sector: A Comparison between Risk-Based Maintenance and Time-Based Maintenance Approaches
- Onboard carbon capture and storage (OCCS) for fossil fuel-based shipping: A sustainability assessment
- Investigation Of Safety Barrier Role In Hydrogen Related Undesired Events
- Accidents Review And Control Assessment For Reliable Operation Of PEM Water Electrolyzer Stacks
- Risk-Based Maintenance models for hydrogen systems: a review for the glass and aluminium industry
- Review of gaps and needs in data collection and definition of equipment classes, failure modes and safety equipment for hydrogen systems
- Handling of ammonia accidental fuel leakages on ships
- Safety research must be an enabler of the hydrogen industry, not a hinderance
- Effekter av ammoniakkutslipp på pelagisk marint miljø
- HAZOP study of a water electrolysis plant used in green hydrogen production
- Risks of Environmental Impacts of Accidental Spills of Ammonia to the Marine Environment
- Literature study on challenges of reliability and resilience analysis in green hydrogen production
- Reliability and resilience analysis of green hydrogen production: Common changes and particular concerns in offshore industries
- Release of refrigerated ammonia - modelling and safety analysis
- Handling of ammonia accidental fuel leakages on ships
- WP1 - NH3 bunkering release scenarios
- Advanced methods for risk assessment with integrated perspective