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Mariann Merz

Research Scientist

Mariann Merz is a researcher in the Robotics and Control group, where she has been working since 2008. Before joining SINTEF, she worked on developing control algorithms for autopilots for commercial aircraft at The Boeing Company in Seattle, USA. Mariann is currently a board member of the Norwegian Society of Electric and Automatic Control (NFEA).


Ph.D in Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway (2022).
Bachelor (1999) and Master of Science (2001) in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota, USA.

Competence and research areas

1. Technology to enable unmanned and semi-autonomous vehicles and drones, including AUVs, ROVs, USVs, aircraft, and ships. In particular, aspects related to path planning, control algorithms and safety considerations for effective operations in real-world environments.

2. Developing methods to orchestrate multiple autonomous robots and drones in dynamic and evolving scenarios to optimize the achievement of one or more mission objectives.

3. Analysis of unexpected events and failures.



Contact info

Visiting address:
Klæbuveien 153
7031 Trondheim