- Including Lifetime Hydraulic Turbine Cost into Short-Term Hybrid Scheduling of Hydro and Solar
- Optimization of Offshore FPV Modules in Early Design Phase
- Using ProdRisk–SHOP Simulator for Investment Decisions of Solar and Hydro Hybridization
- Impact of Reservoir Evaporation on Determining Power Purchasing Agreement under Solar-Hydro Hybridization
- The challenge of a real, complex hybrid project
- Impact of energy pricing regimes on production schedules under solar-hydro hybridization
- Condition-based opportunistic maintenance of cascaded hydropower stations
- Integrating Machine Learning Techniques into the Decision-making Process for Hydro Scheduling
- Algorithmic Development and Industrial Applications of Short-term Hydro Scheduling in the Nordic Power Market
- Machine Learning for Hydropower Scheduling: State of the Art and Future Research Directions Read publication
- Research summary of WP2 in HydroSun project
- Impact of Correlation between Hydro Inflow and Solar Availability on Production Schedules of Hybrid Plants in Western Africa, Eastern Asia, and Northern Europe
- Research highlights of WP2 in HydroSun project
- SHOP for investment decision on a hybrid power plant in Zambia
- Magat Hybrid Power Plant - Status and preliminary results
- The impact of the correlation of hydro inflow and solar availability on production schedules of hybrid plants in Western Africa, Eastern Asia, and Northern Europe
- The integration of solar and battery in hydro scheduling
- Integrating Machine Learning Techniques into the Decision-making Process for Hydro Scheduling
- Integrating machine learning techniques into the decision-making process for hydro scheduling
- Overview of hydro scheduling tools in Norway