More publications
- Technological solutions for production of protein and lipid rich fractions from whitefish RRM - Deliverable 3.1
- The Effects of Enzymes, Species, and Storage of Raw Material on Physicochemical Properties of Protein Hydrolysates from Whitefish Heads Read publication
- Mapping of Marine Rest Raw Material in the Norwegian Seafood Industry: A Decade of Results
- Marine bioaktive fiskepeptider for forebygging av overvekt og mikrobiotarelaterte sykdommer i mennesker og dyr Read publication
- Matsvinn i sjømatindustrien 2020
- Sluttrapport: Kartlegging av mengder og årsaker til matsvinn i sjømatnæringen
- Proximate composition, fatty acid and lipid class composition of the muscle from deep-sea teleosts and elasmobranchs
- Chemical characterisation of eggs from deep sea sharks.
- Chemical characterisation, raw material properties, value added products and novel compounds.
- Marine ingredienser
- Fryste torskehoder
- Making marine proteins for human consumption - enzymatic hydrolysis of frozen/thawed cod heads caught by line and trawl
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod heads – effect of freezing and thawing on the quality and composition of protein hydrolysates
- High value products from mackerel rest raw materials
- ReFood – Indo-Norwegian research project
- ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS OF COD HEADS – effect of freezing and thawing on the quality and composition of protein hydrolysates
- Increased Utilisation and Value Creation from white Fish Rest Raw Materials. Abstracts - The Third Symposium Sustainable technologies for food processing and preservation
- Kvalitetsprotein fra torskehoder
- Prosjektet PRIMA - Kartlegging av mikroplast og plastmyknere i marine ingredienser