Contact person, projects
- Seeing is Believing: 3D-Printed Boundary Objects for the Additive Manufacturing Twin Transition
- Digital transformasjon i rederiene - Erfaringsrapport om hvordan digitalisering endrer arbeidspraksis og kompetansebehov i norske rederi
- Behovskartlegging for Fritidsbåtplattformen
- D1.1 AM spare parts in the maritime industry
- Innovations for improved emergency preparedness in the Norwegian aquaculture industry
- "Gold Standard" for mitigating environmental impacts. Summary of literature review
- Adopt or adapt? Seafaring communities of practices faced with increased automation
- D1.1 Document study: AM spare parts in the maritime industry
- Design of, and Learning from Simulator-based Contingency Training in Aquaculture Read publication
- Additive Manufacturing of Spare Parts in the Maritime Industry: Knowledge Gaps for Developing a Norwegian AM-Based Business Ecosystem for Maritime Spare Parts Read publication
- Seeing is believing: 3D-printed boundary objects for the additive manufacturing twin transition
- Digitalisering i maritim næring - mer enn autonome skip
- Cultural diversity, seamanship, and conflict solving on board
- Når kommer "reservedelenes Spotify"?
- Job Coordination through visualization: Resolving or creating dilemmas on the shop floor?
- Distribution of a Corporate Practice Template: Local Practices and Sensemaking
- Oljekrise splitter og forener partene
- HPWS PÅ NORSK (High Performance Work Systems) - håndbok for prosjektorganisasjoner
- Practice diffusion in global factory networks: Making sense of a corporate standard