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Dorothy Jane Dankel

Senior Research Scientist

Dorothy (b. 1979) is Senior Research Scientist at SINTEF Ocean and adjunct assoc. professor at the Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen in Norway. Her expertise is in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and transdisciplinarity in Marine Science. She is Chair of the Nordic Marine Think Tank and has been a fellow at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, School of Marine Science and Technology (SMAST) and the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).


Ph.D., Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Department of Biology, University of Bergen - Norway (2009)

Masters of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Department of Biology, University of Bergen - Norway (2004)

Bachelor of Arts, Hillsdale College (Michigan, USA) Biology and French Double Major (2001)

Competence and research areas

Dorothy has a portfolio of research projects applying transdisciplinary approaches to marine science and biotechnology to achieve science with and for society. She is past chair and member of the ICES Working Group on Maritime Systems (WGMARS) and currently is the Principle Investigator of the #LoVeSeSDG project on localizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals in communities in Northern Norway.




Contact info

Visiting address:
Thormøhlens gate 55
5006 Bergen