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- Ports as urban transition actors towards zero-emission transport
- Byform i et Zen-perspektiv. En sammenfatning av arbeid med GIS-baserte metoder for analyser og visualisering
- Shared solutions for active, collective, and inclusive neighbourhoods
- Barn i byen. Gode oppvekstmiljøer for barn i sentrale bydeler i Trondheim Read publication
- Green Public Procurement for Accelerating the Transition towards Sustainable Freight Transport Read publication
- E-commerce and prevalence of last mile practices Read publication
- Hva trenger norske byer for å starte planlegging for bylogistikk? Erfaringer fra Bodø, Drammen, Oslo, Kristiansand, Stavanger, Trondheim og Tromsø
- E-groceries: Sustainable last mile distribution in city planning
- Hjemlevering av mat og dagligvarer i Oslo og Akershus. Resultater fra en telefonundersøkelse. Read publication
- The potential for coordinated logistics planning at the local level: A Norwegian in-depth study of public and private stakeholders Read publication
- Towards inclusive social innovation arenas? Building capacity for decision- and policy making to curb transport demand.
- Slik kan vi gi flere mulighet til å droppe bilen
- Hvordan rigger vi transportsystemet for en stadig mer uforutsigbar verden?
- Havnene som omstillings-huber for det grønne skiftet
- Unwrapping influences on tranistion work
- Editorial: The special issue on integrating e-commerce in urban mobility planning
- Shared solutions for active, collective, and inclusive neighbourhoods
- How local governance can facilitate transitions on the last mile by improved data about urban freight transport. Case study and mapping in the city of Trondheim.
- Hvordan integrere bylogistikk i byplanleggingen?
- Developing shared mobility solutions for new neighbourhoods: the role of mobility and logistics planning