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Anders Arvesen

Research Scientist

I am a research scientist at SINTEF Energy Research. My research centres around themes of reliable and sustainable future energy systems. The transition to such energy systems requires increased use of clean energy sources, a more diversified and integrated system with electricity as a key energy carrier, better utilization of flexibility, and smarter energy consumption. I investigate these areas using energy system models (optimization models).


I hold a Master's degree (MSc) in Energy and Environmental Engineering and a PhD in Industrial Ecology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). In my PhD project, I researched the positive and negative environmental impacts of global wind power development from a life cycle perspective. After completing my PhD, I held a postdoctoral position followed by a permanent researcher position at NTNU for several years.

Competence and research areas

Energy system modelling and analysis. Variability and flexibility in the power system. Life cycle assessment (LCA). Economic input-output analysis. Sustainability assessment.



Contact info

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