Publications / References

Scientific articles - Special Transport collection - The human side of autonomous driving


Regulation in Norway

- Petroleumstilsynet (2021) - Automatisering og autonome systemer: Menneskesentrert design
- Petroleumstilsynet (2020) - Bruk av droner i nordområdene

- Public Consultation  on Norwegian regulation of autonomous (self driving) Cars of 1st March 2017 (in Norwegian)

Selected publications:

- 2023.03.23 Åsa Hoem defended her SAREPTA PhD – Risk Assessment in the Design Phase of Maritime Autonomous Ships – a Human-centred approach

- S. O. Johnsen, T. Porathe (Eds) (2021): “Sensemaking in Safety Critical and Complex Situations: Human Factors and DesignOA – Open Access CC BY 4.0 and Amazon

- Zhang, J., & Li, J. (2020): "Testing and verification of neural-network-based safety-critical control software: A systematic literature review". Information and Software Technology, 106296

- T. Porathe (2020): "Deconflicting Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship traffic using Moving Havens". Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Edited by Piero Baraldi, Francesco Di Maio and Enrico Zio, ESREL2020-PSAM15. Published by ResearchPublishing, Singapore. 

- K. E. Fjørtoft, Ø. J. Rødseth 2020: "Using the Operational Envelope to Make Autonomous Ships Safer". Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Edited by Piero Baraldi, Francesco Di Maio and Enrico Zio, ESREL2020-PSAM15. Published by ResearchPublishing, Singapore. 

- T. M. Stene, K. Fjørtoft (2020): "Are Safe and Resilient Systems less Effective and Productive?". Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Edited by Piero Baraldi, Francesco Di Maio and Enrico Zio, ESREL2020-PSAM15. Published by ResearchPublishing, Singapore. 

- Bakken et al. (2019): "Bruk av droner i nordområdene".

- S. O. Johnsen, Å. Hoem, G. Jenssen and T. Moen (2019): "Experiences of main risks and mitigation in autonomous transport systems" J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1357 012012;
MTEC/ICMASS 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (ICMASS), November 13th and 14th, 2019 in Trondheim, Norway

- S. O. Johnsen, T. Bakken, A. A. Transeth, S. Holmstrøm, M. Merz, E. I. Grøtli, S. R. Jacobsen - R. Storvold (2020): "Safety and Security of Drones in the Oil and Gas Industry". Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Edited by Piero Baraldi, Francesco Di Maio and Enrico Zio, ESREL2020-PSAM15. Published by ResearchPublishing, Singapore. 

- Hoem, Å. S., Fjørtoft, K. E. & Rødseth, Ø. J. (2019): "Addressing the Accidental Risks of Maritime Transportation: Could Autonomous Shipping Technology Improve the Statistics?". Transnav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Volume 13 Number 3 September 2019. DOI: 10.12716/1001.13.03.01

- S. O. Johnsen and S. S. Kilskar (2020): "A Review of Resilience in Autonomous Transport to Improve Safety and Security". Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Edited by Piero Baraldi, Francesco Di Maio and Enrico Zio, ESREL2020-PSAM15 Published by ResearchPublishing, Singapore. 

- G. Deinboll Jenssen, T. Moen and S. O. Johnsen (2019): "Accidents with Automated Vehicles - Do self-driving cars need a better sense of self?". 26th ITS World Congress, Singapore, 21-25 October 2019

- Torkildson E. N., Li J., Johnsen S. O.: "Improving Security and Safety Co-analysis of STPA". ESREL 2019 - 29th International European Safety and Reliability Conference September 22 - 26, 2019, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany - Research Publishing Services, Singapore. (Paper)

- Hoem, Å (2019): "The Present and Future of Risk Assessment of MASS: A Literature Review". ESREL 2019 - 29th International European Safety and Reliability Conference September 22 - 26, 2019, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany - Research Publishing Services, Singapore

- Johnsen, S.O., Evjemo T.E. (2019): "State of the art of unmanned aircraft transport systems in industry related to risks, vulnerabilities and improvement of safety". ESREL 2019 - 29th International European Safety and Reliability Conference September 22 - 26, 2019, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany - (Presentation, Paper)

- Porathe, T. (2019): "Autonomous ships and the COLREGS: Automation Transparency and Interaction with Manned Ships". In 18th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries - COMPIT'19. Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg Tullamore. (Paper)

- Stene, T. (2019): "Safety When Implementing Digital Technology and Infrastructure". ESREL 2019 - 29th International European Safety and Reliability Conference September 22 - 26, 2019, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.

- Hoem, Å., Fjørtoft K., Rødseth, Ø.J. (2019): "Addressing the Accidental Risks of Maritime Transportation: Could Autonomous Shipping Technology Improve the Statistics?" – Transnav – International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Journal Vol. 13 No3. – September 2019 (Open Access) 10.12716/1001.13.03.01

- Li, J., Zhang, J., & Kaloudi, N. (2018, September). "Could We Issue Driving Licenses to Autonomous Vehicles?". In International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (pp. 473-480). Springer, Cham.

- Bye, R. J., Johnsen, S. O., Lillehammer, G. (2018). Addressing Differences in Safety Influencing Factors—A Comparison of Offshore and Onshore Helicopter Operations. Safety, 4(1), 4.

- T.M. Stene: "Automation of the rail—removing the human factor?" (2018) at ESREL Conference 2018, Presentation

- T. Porathe, Å. Hoem, Ø. Rødseth & K. Fjørtoft, S. Johnsen: "At least as safe as manned shipping? Autonomous shipping, safety and "human error" (2018) at ESREL Conference 2018, Presentation

- S.O. Johnsen, Å. Hoem, T. Stålhane, G. Jenssen, T. Moen: "Risk based regulation and certification of autonomous transport systems" (2018) at ESREL Conference 2018, Presentation

- Erik Nilsen Torkildson, Jingyue Li, Stig Ole Johnsen, Jon Arne Glomsrud: "Empirical studies of methods for safety and sequrity co-analysis of autonomous boat" (2018) at ESREL Conference 2018, Presentation

- Åsa S. Hoem: "Hvis vi erstatter mennesket med automasjon, vil vi da redusere antall ulykker innen maritim shipping?" (in Norwegian), ITS-dagen 15. Mars in Oslo

- Special project (part of Master thesis) (in Norwegian): "Design av informasjonspanel for Autonom Passasjerferge Milliampere"